Free Expression and
Viewpoint Diversity Fund
Think Again @ UVA is funded by the Fund for Free Expression and Viewpoint Diversity @ UVA. The Fund exists to support organizations at the University of Virginia that promote the values of viewpoint diversity, free speech, free inquiry, critical thinking, and intellectual humility. The Fund was established in agreement with the UVA Alumni Association and it is managed by the UVA Fund.
For more information about organizations supported by the fund or to donate to it, click here.
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The Fund for Free Expression and Viewpoint Diversity at UVA exists to support organizations at the University of Virginia that promote the values of viewpoint diversity, free speech, free inquiry, critical thinking, and intellectual humility. The Fund is not political and it does not endorse nor promote any particular political party or political candidate. In furtherance of its stated purpose, the Fund provides financial support to UVA student organizations that seek to promote these goals in a creative and positive manner. Student organizations may apply here for financial assistance for programs and activities that support this goal.
Each application will be reviewed and considered based on its connection to and ability to further the goals of the Fund. Organizations may submit more than one request for funding, but should realize that the grant of one request does not guarantee that another will be approved. Similarly, the Fund may choose not to fund an activity that duplicates the efforts of activities or organizations that already have received funds. The decision to grant a request for funding lies solely in the discretion of the Fund. Requests for the funding of alcohol, partisan political activities, or promotional items, logos, or organization names that do not align with the goals of the Fund will be declined. Students and/or student organizations that receive money from the Fund must submit a follow-up report explaining how the money was spent and evaluating the outcome of sponsored activities.